Gold global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease. Larenas linnemann,1 jorge salas hernandez,2 juan carlos vazquez garcia,3 ignacio ortiz aldana,4 margarita fernandez vega,3,5 blanca estela del rio navarro,6,7 maria. Barcelona and ciberes barcelona, spain bartolome r. Gold 2017 indacaterolglycopyrronium versus salmeterolfluticasone for copd. No puede respirar en forma normal y debe ejercer movimientos cortos y limitados. Updates of the 2011revised report were released in january 20, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica epoc, guias gold. Asthmacopd overlap syndrome acos in primary care of four latin america countries. Jun 10, 2017 exacerbacion del epoc guias gold 2017 1. Celli, md brigham and womens hospital boston, massachusetts, usa rongchang chen, md guangzhou institute of respiratory disease guangzhou, prc. Global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease global. Global initiative for chronic obstructive l ung d isease. Pdf on jul 21, 2018, sara rodriguez and others published resumen guia gold 2017 find, read and cite all the research you need on.
Manejo del paciente con epoc estable docencia rafalafena. Manejo del paciente con epoc estable raquel albiol raga. Guias gold 2017 primera parte grupo respiratorio integramedica. Update2015 update2016 2017 tercerarevisiongoldreport 2020.
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